Thursday, February 3, 2011

Everyday drawings

Every week the girls and I spend awhile in the afternoon drawing different objects around the house.  We've used several books to learn art from.  One of my favorites was Drawing with Children by Mona Brookes - we used that last year.  We are trying something new that I found at the library (free is always good for me) Art for Kid's Drawing by Kathryn Temple.  It seems that for us, the less complicated the instructions are the better the art projects become. 

I thought I'd share some of the work that the girls have been designing.  I haven't seen a strong desire out of any of the girls to pursue drawing on a more deeper level, but I do enjoy seeing how their drawings evolve over the years.  It's so sweet to watch the stick figures with big circle heads evolve into something with clothes, hands, fingers, shoes, facial features and so much more.  We've been trying our hands at quite a bit of shading and color variations as you can see by their drawings.

I love how Kathryn Temple states that "Everyone can draw and there is no one right way to draw."  So often we get hung up on our pictures being a perfect replication of what we see, rather than seeing that our drawings reflect how we look at the world, how we interpret the information that our eyes have seen.  My favorite blog just happens to be called "Eyes of Wonder," and so often when I look at the girls drawings I get immersed in thinking about how they came about drawing what they did - more about the "wonder" of how they saw that particular object.



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