Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cozy Sunday Happenings


It's a quiet day today, drizzles falling down, chilly damp cold in the air.  When I say quiet . . .Georgie just fell asleep for a second nap.  My body laid down next to him and I too drifted into a nice peaceful nap, until the little girls wanted to take an afternoon bath, or more pleasantly known as "spa day."

Church was so sweet this morning - especially since the entire family could go because we were all feeling better from last week's sickness.  The coughing and sniffles are still lingering, but the heart wrenching sore throats are gone by the wayside.  When I miss a week from church I feel lost for that week and the next  . . . .until, at last, I can hear God's word and fill my mind and soul back up with His nourishing words.  I so needed it today as last week was a rough week with some very discouraging happenings spiritually for me.  God's word is the breath of life, manna in it's fullest sense.  It is our life-blood, that which can comfort, restore, renew, shelter, provide, refresh, and create anew each and everyday.

Our church happens to be situated right near the homeless mission, so we often get a few homeless people that find their way into our church.  Today was one of those days, where a gentleman came in for the first time.  Usually what happens is that they drink their free coffee, listen to the message, get their free lunch after service and go on their way, not really talking to anyone, but when Pastor made a special announcement that this man had specifically asked for prayer for God's will to be done in his life, my heart ached for him.  Thirty years he's been homeless, wandering the streets, struggling with life, feeling empty inside, worthless, helpless, and afraid.  It was so bittersweet to see him on his knees during service - really feeling the brokenness that we all feel in its entirety every day.  No one, not one is righteous enough to stand before God - we must be on our knees before Him, clothed in the blood of Jesus, and here this man was doing so. .  I could see the life-blood renewing and restoring him.  It was a beautiful display of God's healing love.

The table is set, candles lit and the savory smell of dinner is on it's way. . . left over lobster from our evening yesterday will be turned into yummy lobster alfredo. .  my mouth is watering just thinking about it.  The smells of it cooking are absolutely heavenly.

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice."
-Philippians 4:4

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Thank you for sharing. Your thoughts were beautiful and quite timely.
Blessings, Carrie