Monday, June 17, 2013

Garden in June

May and June have been  beautiful months here on the coast in the Pacific Northwest.  I am actually in awe of this amazing weather we've had.  I was able to plant our garden a whole month early, which is why it looks the way it does as of today when I took these pictures.  Normally, I would have just put the seeds in the ground and you would have been looking at a bunch of empty boxes.
May brought us to the end of our school year.  I feel like we accomplished much; Anne completed her first year of high school, Hannah made it through multiplication tables, Lindsay's reading is improving, Abby made it through her Kindergarten workbooks and George mastered his computer game, Jumpstart, that Grandpa got him for Christmas.
Once I finish working up their "report cards". . . which is really nothing more than a recap of what we learned throughout the year. . .  I can start perusing the curriculum catalogs for next year's adventure.  I am working out a modified, "homestead" agrarian schedule for us for next year, based on Quinn's suggestion.  I'm looking forward to seeing how it works for our family.
June brought us year-end picnics, sunshine, a fun vacation to see friends from Florida, and a dance recital. 

 - So, let's walk through the pretty things blooming all over the homestead.  I just love this sage that I planted last summer. 
 - Anise Hyssop planted this year.  It has it's first blossom.
- The lemon balm has gone wild.

- Garlic

- The greenhouse addition to our garden is proving to be very productive.  Look at the tomato plants!  The peppers are in front and they seem to be doing well also!  I can see some salsa in the near future.

- Everyday, this is the scene I watch outside our side door.  Notice the chicken wire around some of the plants?  If I didn't put this wire up their dirt baths would destroy what little remaining plants I have left.  I am getting tired of sweeping up the dirt on the sidewalk, but I haven't come up with another solution for them.

And last but not least, Barn #8 for our Quilty Barn-Along with Lori Holt.    I am not sure I'm in love with this barn.  I have never, need I repeat, NEVER done a "Water Turn" block so many of my points have disappeared.  I met with my trusty seam ripper many a times during the assembly of this block.

1 comment:

Mountain Home Quilts said...

I think that your barn turned out great!
And have you thought about making some dust baths for your chickens and placing them closer to the coop? Just something shallow, a large (not really tall) planter filled with some dirt will attract them.
The garden looks great. :)
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!