August has come and gone. While everyone else in the nation has been enjoying unbelievably warm temperatures, the Pacific Northwest has struggled with slightly foggy, and much colder days. This is due to the extreme heat inland in Redding and to the south of us in Garberville. But that hasn't stopped the Preciouspeas from having a great summer.
Blue skies and slight breezes make for the perfect getaway to Samoa Beach in Eureka. It has become a new favorite spot for the littles. The inlet is just the right depth for swimming. Sand squishing between the toes, sand castle building and maybe even a few gymnastic back flips and cartwheels have been know to happen while we enjoy our days relaxing here.
My mom lives in Sebastopol, so one weekend we decided to hop in the car, drive 4 hours to a hotel for more swimming fun and a chance to view Grammie's collage artwork displayed at a local community center.
Just a few blocks from her apartment was a beautiful community park, complete with a rather large pond (green as it may be). What fun we had when we found an abundance of ducks, even several momma hens and ducklings. It just so happens that it helps to have a huge bag of rice cakes in the car to pull out to feed all of these starving hungry said ducks.
Wait a minute? "Did you say that you just fed the snacks mom had planned for the ride home to the ducks? " Hmmm.. . . good thing mom was planning on stopping at "In and Out" on the way home for a late afternoon treat.
One Blessed Acre Farm is going to be featured as one of the vendors at the Fig Twig Market again this year. If you are local, please put this great event on your calendar, November 3 and 4 at the Humboldt County Fairgrounds.
So, therefore, soap making is in full swing at our house. HELP! I'm running out of curing space. Making over 200 bars of soap takes quite a bit of space to house while it's going through the four week curing process.
Being helpful to friends in need always brings joy to my heart. Heather had butchered her two turkeys and they needed to be canned. I have never canned meat before, so not only was it a learning experience for me, it was a time saver for her.
Have you ever canned raw meat before? While the process isn't difficult, the actual canning time was long.
My 30th high school reunion happened this month also. It was an amazing night out with my wonderful hubby.
We attended a beautiful wedding first. Just imagine 300 guests sitting on hay bales overlooking our valley with a little breeze blowing, watching and awaiting the bride who ascends up stairs cut into the side of the hill by her hubby-to-be. The reception was held in the bride's family barn and it was an image straight out of Pinterest or Instagram. White twinkling lights, white linens with white china and crystal goblets..... appetizers galore, a donut/chocolate bar and so much good food. We actually left our kids with friends of ours while Mike and I headed off to the reunion. The kids described their evening to us later the next morning.

High school reunions are interesting. . . . . I loved seeing that the same old antics that happened when we were young, still happen when we are old. Every class has that same funny guy who cracks everyone up in the room and in our case we had two! The biggest lesson I learned over the weekend was how selfish I was during high school. I feel like I didn't take the time to invest time into getting to know my classmates on a more personal level. I was too focused on my own goals and desires. . . . I should have taken time to get my eyes off of myself and onto others.

The Lord has been leading me on a new path. . . one of selflessness. I have been pondering how to invest more time into others needs instead of my own. I have recently started using doTerra Essential Oils. I am absolutely loving the energy I'm experiencing and the kids are enjoying the benefit of the oils at night to help them sleep better. This company also is doing great things for the communities around the world where they source the plants from to create the essential oils.
I want to share this new information and company with anyone who is interested in improving their health, vitality, energy levels, stress levels and detoxifying their life. As soon as I get my website up and running, I will get a link up on the side so I can share this with everyone I can. My goal is to also incorporate these great oils into my existing lotions and soaps. So stay tuned. . .