Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine having 68 degree weather in Northern California EVER, let alone in April. . . . but it happened. Better yet, it happened on a day that I had not planned to do much school because we were headed to a field trip in the morning.
Waste - water - treatment - plant is not words that excite my crew. . . . how does one get excited to learn about "sludge?" Our plant in Ferndale happens to be a newly constructed state of the art, waste water treatment facility with only one other like it on the North Coast. After they do their field trip write up sheets tomorrow I'll see if the field trip was a "big hit" or a "flop." Probably the most interesting fact I learned was that we can now use the end product (all the bad bugs) as compost in our gardens after it has been thoroughly heated through and turned over to the worms.
The remainder of the day was spent having lunch, spending some time in the front yard weeding, riding bikes and sunning themselves on the back porch. I just love these precious peas of mine - they are just too cute!
I love seeing all the plants that are blooming in my front yard. Keeping up with the weeding is a sometimes overwhelming task, but it is very relaxing for me so I don't mind too much. Plus the kids were running through the sprinklers having fun, so I really didn't notice how fast the time had flown by.
How are your spring days going?